Ололо, я установила Sony Vegas, ибо фанвид не дает мне покоя. За первые минуты научилась накладывать текстуры. х) Фотошоппер - это диагноз. Нормальные люди с вырезания начинают... А так как я еще и извращенка, наложила звук. Вы не представляете, какое бугага Super junior - Don't don под Beast - I'm Sorry
Список будет пополнятся. В основном цитатами Кю ХДДД Он просто мастер афоризмов))) Источник: twitter, tumbler, где попадется...
КюКЮ “ELF: “Who’s real? Eunhae? Kangteuk? Kyumin?” Kyuhyun: “There’s no Eunhae, Kangteuk. There’s Eunkyu, Kyuhae, Kangkyu, Kyuteuk, Kyumin” *** Fan: "If you marry me all the people in Korea will be ur fans." Kyuhyun: "Untill all the people in Korea become my fans, I'd marry u." *** ELF: Oppa, if I see you with a girl, I’ll die. Kyuhyun: God bless you in heaven. КЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
upd ELF: ”I want to eat rice, oppa!” Kyuhyun: ”Am I your Omma?” ELF: ”Please buy it for me.” Kyuhyun: ”Don’t eat! Or you’ll be fatter.”
ELF: ”The way Eunhyuk oppa’s chest popping is really HOT!” Kyuhyun: ”What if I was doing that? COLD?” looooooooooool
ELF: ”Oppa~ let my arrow stab your heart!♥” Donghae: ”AH!^^” Kyuhyun: ”He’s dead.”
ELF: ”Ryeowook oppa, cooking for me please??” Kyuhyun: ”He’s Kyusitter! He’s mine!”
ELF: ”Oppa, say to me “SeoYoung-ah I love you” please?? Kyuhyun: “SeoYoung-ah I love you… But I love Sungmin hyung more.”
ELF: “Let’s get into a relationship~” Kyuhyun: “I said Donghae hyung is mine, why would I want to get into a relationship with you?”
ELF: “It’s too cold, the weather will blow you guys away.” Kyuhyun: “We are heavy, especially Shindong hyung. Kekekke~”
ELF: “You are mine.” Kyuhyun: “I am mine.”
ELF: “Marry me Kangin.” Kyuhyun: “Then me?”
ELF: “I like EUNHAE!” Kyuhyun: “From now on, there should be more attention to the KYUHAE.”
ELF: “There’s no KYUHAE, there’s only KYUMIN.” Kyuhyun: “They both exist.”
ELF: “EUNHAE is the best!” Kyuhyun: “What? EUNHAE? KYUHAE is the best!”
ELF: “What are oppas doing now…Looking forward to SS3, you’ll bring us a superb performance, right ^_^” Kyuhyun: “Do you even need to ask? ^^”
ELF: “Oppa(s) have to be together forever.” Leeteuk: “Together with ELF forever, love you all.” Kyuhyun: “Hyung, that was really greasy.” +50000000000
Sungmin: ”Kyuhyun-ah, when you’re sleeping you always snore loudly and you even drool too!” Kyuhyun: ”Should I show you a mirror?”
Kangin: “Sungmin sleeps w his mouth hanging wide open.” Kyuhyun: “We poured water there once.” Sungmin: “REALLY?” Kyuhyun: “He still didn’t wake up. Amazing.”
Kyuhyun to Eunhyuk: “I like how you’re evil and no loyalty. Please don’t change.” -Intimate Note
Eunhyuk: “Compared with the other groups’ magnae, Kyuhyun is the naughtiest one.”
Kyuhyun: “I’m Kyuhyun who’s in charge of the dance, image, and talking in SJ.” Eunhyuk: “Are you okay?”
Kangin: “I think all the 13 are good looking, except for the 13th member.”
Q: “How did you spend your holiday time?” Kyuhyun: “Studying.” Leeteuk: “What? That’s a BIG lie!” Kyuhyun: “Watching movie.” Leeteuk:“LIAR!” Kyuhyun: “Playing games.” Итук палевщик! А как же имидж группы?
MC: “Was it hard to learn Chinese?” Siwon: “It was hard.” Donghae: “It was VERY hard” Ryeowook: “It was INCREDIBLY hard.” Kyuhyun: “I don’t have any words left.” Я люблю ИВЛ КЮ!!!!!!!!!!
ЫнхёкЫНХЁК MC1: "They (EunHae) have married!" MC2: "Donghae and Eunhyuk who is boy and who is girl?" Eunhyuk: *pause* ".....I am a boy..." *** Hyuk: "Donghae is my girlfriend..."
Йесон ЙЕСОН ELF: "Yesung oppa, I love you as high as the sky, as wide as the ground." Yesung: "Why dont you love me as wide as the universe?" – UFO
Fan : Lee Donghae oppa why are you so cool like that !! ㅠ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Yesung : I’m even cooler than that.. ОБОГЕ!!!
110928 Sungmin Blog Update – Starcraft Master Kyu! The long-awaited selca with Master Kyu!
Although the internal camera’s definition is kind of low… Anyways the starcraft disciple who hasn’t been learning much went to look for the master… Please teacher me a little~~
creditSource: Sungmin’s Blog Credit: kmholic | English Translation by: @paperheartsMIN Shared at sup3rjunior.wordpress.com by supergirlRain
ОМФГ!!!!! Сонмин!!! Ты не представляешь, что сейчас творится с мозгами сотен тысяч эльфов!!! Master Kyu Please teacher me a little~~
My love, my tears, our memories Drop by drop, they are falling against my chest Though I cry and I cry, the memories won’t erase And again today, I drench my empty heart
"самой надо добиваться хотя бы чего-то, и если любить, то лучше за красивые глаза XD а ещё лучше за красивые глаза и талант. а ещё лучше за потенциал и трудолюбивость. и объединить с предыдущими 2 пунктами XDDDDD"